November 21-22, 2024
The DECODE partners held their second consortium meeting on November 21-22 in Strasbourg (FR). The pervading theme of presentations and intense discussions was on assessing the set of methods and tools in modelling and characterisation that DECODE partners had been collecting in the recent months. A particular focus was laid on understanding the all-important local reaction environment (LRE) and rationalizing the distribution of reaction conditions and rates (DRR) in electrocatalytic layers of electrochemical systems.
Following the meeting, the Bosch team organised a workshop to establish property-correlation trees to systematically identify knowledge gaps.
Next steps were also planned to lay the foundation for the development of the DECODE platform. These entailed establishing a correlative workflow of characterisation and modelling actions to connect structure and properties of electrode media as well as LRE and DRR with device-level metrics.
WP3 has also been launched to start in December 2024. Based on the work performed in WP1 and WP2, WP3 aims at developing the underlying modules to deploy the DECODE platform. WP3 will be building and implementing a central processing unit (CPU) and developing state-of-the-art fine-tuning methods to re-train models embedded in the DECODE FOUNDRY.