DECODE Project Shines at Joint Workshop: Highlighting Advances in Modelling and Characterisation

This meeting, organised by HADEA, the European Health and Digital Executive Agency, brought together key stakeholders in the fields of health, the digital economy, and industry. HADEA’s mandate focuses on fostering a healthy society, a robust digital economy, and a competitive industry across a spectrum of sectors, including Earth and space.

To enhance visibility and encourage collaboration among both existing and new projects, DECODE was invited to present its concepts, key milestones, partners, and expected outcomes. The DECODE project, under the topic DE-01-12, is a pioneering initiative aimed at advancing modelling and characterisation techniques.

During the workshop, DECODE’s representative detailed the innovative approaches and technologies being developed, emphasising the project’s significance in driving forward the digital and industrial transformation in Europe. The presentation highlighted key milestones achieved so far, the diverse and skilled partners involved, and the expected outcomes that will benefit both the digital and industrial sectors.

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