DECODE Project Presented at Helmholtz AI Community Event

At the Helmholtz AI Conference 2024, held from 12-14 June at the CCD Congress Center in Düsseldorf, the DECODE project made a notable impact. Dr. Kourosh Malek from the Institute for Energy and Climate Research at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH presented the project’s Graph Data aspects related to Work Package 3 (WP3) to a diverse audience of AI experts and researchers.

This year’s conference, themed “AI for Science,” was a resounding success, drawing around 400 participants from across the Helmholtz Association and beyond. The event featured cutting-edge discussions on AI and machine learning, from scalability and efficiency to social and ethical dimensions. Highlights included keynote talks from Kyle Cranmer and Smita Krishnaswamy, an AI consulting booth, industry and incubator platform exhibits, and a variety of networking opportunities.

The conference also introduced a pre-conference Prologue Day at Forschungszentrum Jülich, a Project Matchmaking session, and celebrated exceptional research with poster prize awards.

For more information and to stay updated, visit their website

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